Golf and Community
Pro Duffers West is a golf club rich in history. The club dates as far back as the early 1980’s and incorporated as Pro Duffers West Golf Club (PDW) in 1982 in Oxnard, Ca. A year later the club went a step further and cemented its membership with Western States Golf Association (WSGA) in 1983.
Pro-Duffers West is both a golf focused, community oriented golf organization. With an emphasis on fun & comradery Pro-Duffers West host competition, mentoring and travel events throughout the year. We also embrace Community and we support youth and women’s participation and events.
All members are encouraged to get involved beyond playing golf: Attend meetings, and serve the Club and Community by sharing your time and talent on a committee, as an officer, chairman or instructor.
Pro Duffers West Golf
Upcoming Events
Golf and Travel are great and we do both a lot. Still, we know community building and the support of other organizations golf related or not helps to keep our community thriving and prosperous.
What Our Members Are Saying
As a member of the original founding members of the Pro Duffers West Golf Club, over the past 4 decades I have seen all the trials and tribulations of the Club evolution. Our members possessed the phenomenal ability to allow PDWGC to thrive, evolve, progress, and become the successful dedicated membership we are today, charitable, supportive of each and love the game of golf.
“My father taught me golf when I was a teenager. I never took it seriously. I only played charity scramble tournaments occasionally, until I joined the Pro Duffers Golf Club in 2015. I’ve been playing my own ball regularly ever since.”
Upon joining the PDWGC in 1990 I discovered its essence was the great men and women members who inspired me to reach for higher levels of achievement and giving it my all, in golf, in community support and I learned a lot of meaningful life lessons.
In 2013 I first joined The Pro Duffers West GC mainly to play tournament golf under WSGA Rules as a 26 handicap in D Flight. By frequent competing in tournaments, lots of practice and with lessons I’m now a 10 handicap. The Pro Duffers West has its own Charitable events, Junior golf, and Scholarship programs awards annually.
“Being a member of Pro Duffers West Golf Club has challenged me to take my golf game more seriously and work on improving my game; not only because I like winning but also it helps me do my part to help our tournaments progress more smoothly.”
Our Pro Duffers West Golf Club provides a comfortable and friendly group of people who feel like family to me and love to play golf. Moreover, our clubs Junior Golf program and Annual College Sponsorship program is an added benefit to be a part of. Come check us out.
Latest News
We have a lot of things on tap, so take a look below and see what we’ve been up to. Don’t miss our Calendar and take time to subscribe to receive notification of new post and content.
Results March 16, 2024
Balboa Golf Course
2023 Banquet
ProDuffers West 2023 Celebration Banquet
ProDuffers West and Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Feed The Homeless
Golf Resources
Golf is rewarding, exciting and fun. If you’re new to golf or just want to know more, check out some these resources to learn more.